Follow My Epic Adventure

Follow My Epic Adventure

First posts are kind of weird to me… like where do you start?.. how far back do you go? Lets just jump right in! I am currently living in Sicily, Italy. Sounds amazing, right?! To be honest the pandemic completely ruined almost all of my time here, but we will get in to that more later down the road. I have been married for 21 years to my husband who is soon-to-be retired a retired USN Senior Chief. We have lived all over the world in those years. We met in Maine moved to Corpus Christi, TX, then Florida, Japan, Hawaii, Washington State then to where we currently are in Sicily, Italy.

I love to travel so the military lifestyle has worked out for the most part. Places we have lived have allowed us to travel and do so many wonderful things. People always ask me where has been my most favorite place to live. After having 21 years I am able to say with all certainty that Japan the most wonderful place to live and travel around. I miss living there honestly. But I have wonderful memories from all the places I have lived and traveled to.

I currently have one furbaby named Gus! He is a 6 year old Yorkie. We got him from a breeder when we lived in Washington State. He is quite a character and I just love him so much!

We decided to do one last duty station before retiring. We chose Sicily, Italy. It was going to be an amazing time traveling all over Europe… go out with a bang! Clearly the Universe had another plan. We were supposed to get here in mid November of 2019. Bringing pets overseas is no joke. We’ve done it before but Italy requires things in very precise timing. At the time we had 2 furbabys… Zoey, she was our old girl and sadly just passed away this April. We visited family on our way to coming here so we had to jump through some hoops to get to where needed to for all the paperwork. We thought we were all set.

Last minute… just days before we were set to leave for Italy we found out the Vet in Washington State had messed up and Gus had not gotten a shot in proper timing. So Gus & I had to stay behind in the USA for 1 more month. So my husband & Zoey headed here mid November. Meanwhile I was stressed to the max making sure I did all the paperwork and everything in correct time and it was a crazy time. Gus & I arrived in Sicily on December 17th, 2019.

In just a short period of time from now we will be finally moving back to the USA. First stop is Virginia for out-processing … The beginning of the end of my husbands Naval career.

I am excited to be back writing & sharing again.. it has been too long. I have so much more to share from the past & present. Many exciting adventures ahead and I am sure it will be a roller coaster. Please leave a comment and let me know you are reading, I’d love to hear from you!

If you love to bake you can also find me : The Cozy Bakers Nook

If you love books, you can find me : Captivated By Book

If you’d like to send me a question, please do so here : Contact Me

    • Ronald Shrum
    • September 1, 2022
    • Reply

    Love you guys! would this alert me when you post new writings? Great pic of Gus too <3

    • I will be setting up something so you can be alerted. Give me a few more days and I will let you know how! Love you too!

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